Oluyemisi Oludare
5 min readMar 4, 2021


I ordinarily wouldn’t fixate on such vanity, but to be candid, she was a dazzling work of art.

As she strode into the hallway with strutting gait; her shoulders in evasive swivels,

Who wouldn’t gaze?

We all did.

I saw the sons of Adam all becoming cultured.

Just in a flash, every male species began to adjust their sitting positions,

Blazers are being adjusted, legs are getting on top of each other for poise, faces are kept straight with broad-chest out, even the flat-chested ones are giving their best performance. Mouths agape in majestic opening showing an array of a shinning white set of thirty-two sparkling teeth.

Everyone was bringing their best foot forward.

Whoever would get near this angelic descent must be apt.

The air in the atmosphere became charged, giving an illusion of the entrance of a diva, in the full glare of die-hard fans, throwing themselves all out to have a glimpse of their idol.

The scenery turned electric.

Who would dare bell the cat?

Then rose this deep-chested, snugly trimmed, gorgeously-shaved, six-footer, velvety-skinned hunk.

This man is breathtaking!

Our hearts began to go on a fantasy journey.

Just how would it be, having a walk in the park with this six-footer, broad-chested, eight-packs hunk. With his velvet, butter-like skin.

He indeed looked the part. A picture-perfect figure.

And now, what again; the other daughters of Eve are slobbering.

All in anxious expectancy awaiting,

What next to witness?

They were thinking.

And there and then he opened his mouth.

The clean-shaved, built-bodied, six-footer, velvet-skinned opened his mouth.

…and a Demon. Flew. Out.

Oh. My. Gosh!…

What. Is. This?!

Light out!



This is how you deflate your wheel and strangulate all expectations when you have a good product but lack the knowledge of how to communicate it in the marketplace.

Through my years of working with business owners, I discovered that what causes struggles for many and stunt their growth potential is the inability to understand what is needed for them to be acceptable to their audience and the elements required for building a business that can make, manage and multiply money and influence.

This is the reason I created The Profit Rubik Method™ (PRM)

The PRM is a framework that helps you as an individual, a business, or an organization to make, manage and multiply money and influence.

This framework is based on 5 points methodology.

Whether as an individual who wants more out of your relationships, your career, your business, or your life in general, the Profit Rubik Method™ helps you take a seat on the wheel of your life and consciously create the kind of life that you will be proud of.

As a business owner, the PRM helps you differentiate your business using all you are, and all you have been to build a business that will outlive you.

With the PRM, a corporate organization will create a road-map to profitability, knowing what to focus on per time while employees are clear about their part in the organizational goal while aligning their visions with the vision of the organization.

The five points of the framework speak to the five areas you must focus on to achieve your dream of making, managing, and effectively multiplying money and influence.

In this post, we shall discuss the first module of the framework — Build Capacity.

When talking about building capacity, in our tribe, it goes beyond possessing skills?

It is about you and all that makes you, you.

As an individual,

It is:

“Your ability to know who you are, what you are here for, how you can birth your authentic self, comprehend the path you are meant to take and have the resilience to walk the path, and ultimately being able to guide others through the path to a predetermined destination.”

Whether in business or career,

The reason you need to focus on building capacity first is that your business will carry your DNA.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. You can be in the midst of so many people and still be lonely.

You can be endowed with great company and lose it all if you don’t have the level of personal leadership that can manage and multiply value.

In building capacity, you must discover your superpower first and understand how harmonious it is with your business or your career.

Decluttering exercise is what you must engage in periodically.

You are human and, you will live through different seasons of life. All your experiences through these different seasons will cascade through your business and career experiences.

Understanding the power of positioning and the impact it has on your business or career will help you keep innovating even amid diverse life realities.

Yes, you might second-guess yourself a couple of times, but you will have the resilience to choose what works and have the wisdom to let go of what doesn’t while not abdicating control to the forces outside of yourself which you will occasionally contend.

All these help you to build trust and influence.

Those are the bedrock of leadership.

As a leader, whether you run a business or you are an employee,

At the base level of the hierarchy, you will lead yourself. How well you do this will depend on how efficient you have been in building capacity.

So in building capacity, you will understand what your leadership position is. Your Vision, your mission, your reason why.

Wherever you are on the ladder, you are daily influencing people.

You will Influence them to take the actions you have premeditated. You will influence them to consider your option and imbibe your line of thought.

Before you can achieve the above, you must be crystal clear about that action and what the endgame is.

Getting this clear takes away all the ambiguity and confusion that comes along the way even as you navigate many seasons you will go through in life.

There are two major elements your vision must address.

Your vision casting must answer the question of who you are and what you are about. That must consider two important elements.

  1. Your Core Ideology. These are your Unchanging and timeless core values and enduring purpose. Your reason for existence. Your guiding principles. They are timeless and are not affected by situations and circumstances. They are about your essence.
  2. Your operating practices and strategies. These are environment-dependent. They can be changed, tweaked, and reviewed depending on the prevailing circumstance. They include your daily actions, practices, strategies, and tactics.

When you create a vision for your life, it catalyzes to spur you into actions for growth, and your movement to greatness whether in life, in business, or your career.

All you will be doing then will be gearing you towards a predetermined end, and the fulfillment you will get will be alluring.

When you have cast a vision for your life, you will be intentional about your career and business choices. And all these other aspects of your life will enjoy tremendous success because they are a part of one big You.

Now let me ask you this question.

Without mentioning your current role in business or career, Who are you?

What are you about?

What vision are you pursuing in life?

What do you place a high premium on in life?

Your answers to the questions above will determine how fulfilled your life will be no matter what role you are playing in life.

I will like to read your thoughts.



Oluyemisi Oludare
Oluyemisi Oludare

Written by Oluyemisi Oludare

Passionate about creating great insight through data to help businesses make data-driven decisions.

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